On a distant web server surrounded by racks of matching sequentially numbered servers stands a lone website plotting to take over the world. This is the story of that website...

Long time updates

It seems my last post was far to long ago. I’ve added a good number of Star Wars: The Old Republic videos to my YouTube channel. Be sure to check those out if you’re interested.

I’ve also made a far amount of progress on my custom-built R2-D2 and BB-8. It looks like I forgot to even publish the post where I talked about starting on it.

I’ve also been working on several Nebula Softworlds projects like the successful Escape from House Black. There are currently two more mobile games in development, that will hopefully see a release later this year.




Posted In: Games, Matthew Kilgore, R2-D2, Star Wars — by matthewkilgore @ 11:12 am